My God and Father, I pray for the believers who will read or listen to this prayer in 2025.
I pray that in 2025 they will know and possess all the blessings, privileges, and rights available to those who are united with Christ. I pray that you give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they will grow in their knowledge of You. I pray they will not be cold or lukewarm in their relationship with you. Instead, may they be committed and actively pursue a deeper relationship with you.
God, I pray that they will understand your grace and flourish in it. This year, I pray that they will not try to earn your love, favor, and blessings through their efforts, but rather rest in the finished work of the cross, which has already accomplished it all.
I pray that this year, they will live above the cares of the world and rest in Christ daily. May their affections be set on things above and not on things of this world. May they live like earth is not their final home, but long for their heavenly home instead.
I pray that your children will live victoriously and as more than conquerors! May they not live like orphans, but rather live like beloved children who have a Father who is their source, sustainer, and defender.
God, if an unbeliever is reading or listening to this prayer, I pray that Your light will shine into their hearts so they can see the glory of Christ Jesus and accept the invitation into the family of God.
Lord, thank you for all you have in store for your children in 2025. I thank you in advance for every mountain that will be leveled, every valley that will be raised, every crooked path that will be made straight, every door that you will open and close, every promise that will be fulfilled, every battle that will be won, every blessing, every success, and every triumph. Lord, we thank you!
Ephesians 1:3 & 17, Revelation 3:15-16, 2 Corinthians 4:6, 2 Corinthians 9:8, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Colossians 3:1-2, Romans 5:17, Romans 8:14-17, 37
I hope you will be blessed and encouraged by this song.