Almighty God and great comforter, I approach you today with a heavy heart. I admit that I am broken, and I can’t be made whole without you. Lord, I have experienced hurt and disappointment, and I am struggling to move past these experiences. However, despite all of this, I just want to thank you that I still have life, and your love towards me hasn’t faltered. I lift my faith to you right now because I know that there is no condition beyond the reach of your grace and healing. You are my refuge and strength, and I believe that you will get the glory out of this situation somehow.
Lord, I ask you to give me the courage and strength to forgive everyone who has hurt and disappointed me. I hold fast to your promise that your strength is made perfect in my weakness because God, I really need your strength to forgive and move forward. As you enabled Joseph to forgive his brothers after the harsh treatment, hurt, and betrayal, I pray for a similar grace. I pray that you soften my heart and help me not be overwhelmed by bitterness, resentment, hatred, and unforgiveness. Adonai, as you remembered Hagar in her moments of sorrow and despair when she was cast aside and broken, I ask you also to remember me. I pray for an overwhelming realization of your love and an overflowing of your joy and peace.
Father, I pray that my emotions will not dictate my life. Please give me the drive and strength to still carry out my daily tasks and function as a believer of Jesus Christ, despite how I am feeling. May this season be a constant reminder that my identity and purpose are found in you alone. Lord, thank you for seeing me in my season of brokenness, and thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus Name, Amen.
1 John 4:10, Jeremiah 32:17,Psalm 91:2, Colossians 3:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Genesis 50:19-21, Genesis 16:6-7, Ephesians 4:26-27,31-32, Galatians 2:20