September: Prayer Based on the Life of ABRAHAM

And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. Galatians 3:29

Almighty God, you are the only one for whom nothing is impossible. Thank you for the life of Abraham, the spiritual father of all believers in Jesus Christ. Thank you for Abraham’s faith, the one who paved the way for salvation by faith, not by works, and from whose lineage our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came. What a blessing it is that like Abraham I am also called a friend of God.

Abba Father, I pray that like Abraham, I will respond to your instructions in faith even if they aren’t specific. My prayer is that I too will follow your instructions without question, just as Abram did when you told him to leave his home for a place he didn’t know, and when you told him to sacrifice his promised son Isaac. I pray that I will demonstrate my faith in my actions, and not just my words. Lord, help me to have unwavering faith so that I can trust you to fulfill your promises. 

Abba, I pray that I will embrace the journey to my destiny, because my journey is meant to build character and strengthen my relationship with you. Please help me not to be sidetracked or distracted by the challenges I face. Please grant me godly wisdom when I receive advice from others, and may I never forget to consult you when making decisions. Lord, it is my deepest desire to live my life with a wholehearted commitment to you. 

Abba, please help me to be a man/woman of peace in all my affairs. Fill my heart with love so that I will show hospitality and generosity to others. May I be willing to give my best, even to strangers. I pray that I will live with the same kind of unselfishness Abram displayed when he gave his nephew Lot the first choice of land, even though he could have chosen first. May I be moved with compassion and be ready to intercede for others. May I be a quick-acting warrior, ready to go to war for those held captive as Abram did for Lot. 

Lord, thank you for the example of Abraham which shows that it is possible to be both godly and wealthy. However, may I be willing to sacrifice everything for you, even that which I hold most dear. Lord, I devote my whole life and being to you. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

The story of Abraham can be found in Genesis 11-25. Additionally, Abraham appears in several other Old Testament books as well as in the New Testament.

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