June: A Prayer Based on the Life of APOSTLE PAUL

My God and Father, I thank you that like Paul, I too have experienced the transformative power of your Word and Spirit. Thank you for delivering me from the kingdom of darkness and transferring me to the kingdom of your Son. Thank you for changing my desires and making me into a new creation, holy and dearly loved by you.

Like Paul, I want my relationship with you to always be the most valuable thing in my life. May I realize that nothing that I achieve or acquire in this life is worth comparing to the privilege of knowing You. Lord, I don’t want to serve you half-heartedly, but like Paul, I want to grab hold of my purpose and run with it. I want to live a surrendered, fruitful and impactful life, completely sold out for you. Lord, teach me to always put you first, before my own interests, desires, and aspirations. 

I pray you stir my heart so that I will be zealous to spread the gospel and win souls. Help me to be bold and never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for this is the power that brings salvation to the lost. May I always be willing and ready to share my faith regardless of whats happening to me or around me. Even in my lowest moments, may I use every opportunity to tell others of your unending love. Lord, as I endeavor to do your will, help me never to be self-seeking!  I pray that I do nothing out of selfish ambition. Instead, help me to seek what is best for others and to glorify you in all that I do.

Lord, please help me to be content no matter where I am, what I have, or what I am experiencing. Like Paul, may I recognize that whatever I have or wherever I am, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. May endurance be awakened in me! Give me the will to persevere despite the odds, recognizing that you send trials into my life for a purpose. By your grace, I believe that I will not be overcome with fear, but rather I will be filled with courage to do what you require despite persecution, trials, and opposition. As Paul rightfully said, “My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by the Lord Jesus”.

Father, help me to be uncompromising. May I always stand for the truth, hold firm to your word, and not give in to worldly pressures. I want my life to be an example, so like Paul I can say “Follow me as I follow Christ”. Help me not to be a hypocritical believer but to practice what I preach. Teach me to be humble, so that I will never boast in myself or take glory for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. May I never be complacent, but constantly strive for perfection and maturity in the faith. I pray that I will live with eternity in mind and that my love for you will be reflected in how I treat others. In Jesus name, Amen!

The Life of Paul is recorded in the book of Acts. The following letters were written by Paul: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.

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